Thursday, 20 February 2025

Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday, February 26th is Pink Shirt Day.

What is Pink Shirt Day? 


“David Shepherd, Travis Price and their teenage friends organized a high-school protest to wear pink in sympathy with a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied [for wearing a pink shirt]…[They] took a stand against bullying when they protested against the harassment of a new Grade 9 student by distributing pink T-shirts to all the boys in their school. ‘I learned that two people can come up with an idea, run with it, and it can do wonders,’ says Mr. Price, 17, who organized the pink protest. ‘Finally, someone stood up for a weaker kid.’ So Mr. Shepherd and some other headed off to a discount store and bought 50 pink tank tops. They sent out message to schoolmates that night, and the next morning they hauled the shirts to school in a plastic bag. As they stood in the foyer handing out the shirts, the bullied boy walked in. His face spoke volumes. ‘It looked like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders,’ Mr. Price recalled. The bullies were never heard from again.”       — Globe & Mail

After David and Travis’ act of kindness in 2007, CKNW was inspired to help other youth affected by bullying, with many staff members wearing pink shirts and collecting funds to support Boys and Girls Clubs. Since then, the idea has only grown each year, with worldwide support and participation. Countries across the globe are now organizing anti-bullying fundraisers of their own, including Japan, New Zealand, China, Panama, and numerous others. In fact, last year alone, people in almost 180 countries shared their support of Pink Shirt Day through social media posts and donations.

Pink Shirt Day falls on the last Wednesday of February every year; join us next Pink Shirt Day on February 26th, 2025 in our mission to create a more kind, inclusive world by raising awareness and funds for anti-bullying initiatives.

CBC Kids explains. Click 👇

Looking for more?

For videos, information, and resources, click 👇

Want to read?

Come up to the Learning Commons and borrow a book from our Pink Shirt Day display!

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Book Love for Valentine's Day!

On Februrary 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day in Canada.

How did this tradition begin? Click 👇

Want more information? What does Britannica Kids say? Click 👇

Come on up to the Learning Commons and borrow a book from our Romance section!

Happy Valentine's Day from Mrs. Dickson!

Monday, 10 February 2025

Black History Month

February is Black History Month in Canada

The Government of Canada 


During Black History Month, we honour and amplify the voices of Black Canadians while celebrating their many achievements and contributions. The efforts of Black Canadians and their communities throughout history have greatly enriched Canada’s cultural diversity, compassion and prosperity. 

Black History in Canada

Black Canadians and their communities have been a part of shaping Canada’s heritage and identity since the arrival of Mathieu Da Costa, a navigator and interpreter whose presence in Canada dates back to the early 1600s.

The role of Black people and their communities in Canada has largely been ignored as a key part of Canada’s history. There is little mention that some of the Loyalists who came here after the American Revolution and settled in the Maritimes were people of African descent, nor the fact that many soldiers of African descent made many sacrifices in wartime as far back as the War of 1812.

Few people in Canada are aware of the fact that African people were once enslaved in the territory that is now known as Canada, or of how those who fought enslavement helped to lay the foundation of Canada’s diverse and inclusive society.

Black History Month is a time to learn more about these Canadian stories and the many other important contributions that Black Canadians and their communities have made to the history and continued growth of this country.

Colour the hand representing the past and fill in the hand that represents the present with patterns of your choice. Click 👇

Come up to the Learning Commons to grab a colouring sheet or download your own using the link embedded above in the black and white graphic.