Friday, 29 April 2022

Dynamic Shelving in the Learning Commons

Have you noticed that the books look a little different on the shelves in the Learning Commons these days? We are trying something new called Dynamic Shelving

No more boring shelves with the books just standing side by side in a row. Lol. 

Our books are still arranged alphabetically by author's last name on the shelves but they may be stacked, or in baskets, or standing face out. So go ahead and judge that book by its cover! Students tell me they like it better as it is eye-catching and interesting! I love it too! Let me know what you think. 

Come visit the Learning Commons and have a peek at the General Fiction section right inside the door! Do you see the difference? We are making our way around the entire fiction collection. You may see some changes in non-fiction as well!

Exciting times in the Learning Commons!

Thursday, 7 April 2022

April is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month!

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects communication and behaviour in different ways. Autism is different from person to person. 

Did you know that one in 66 children has autism? Each child with autism is unique and has their own strengths, gifts, and support needs.

You probably know some kids who have autism!

Kids Help Phone has more information here 👇

Want to learn more? Check out some other resources here 👇

Come on up to the Learning Commons and borrow a book from our Autism Awareness Month display! 

April is Poetry Month

Roses are red and violets are blue

Poetry's great for me and for you!

Okay . . . that one is kinda lame . . . 🙄

How about this one?

Roses are red and violets are blue

Return or renew

Cuz your book's overdue!

Better? 😆

Check out some fun poetry activities here 👇

Come on up to the Learning Commons and borrow a book by a better poet than me!

Happy Reading! 📚