Monday, 19 April 2021

Online Resources for You

👋 Hello from the Learning Commons! It is quiet and a bit lonely without our Grade 7/8/9 students here using the Computer Lab, Conference Room, and Learning Commons. I miss you!

💻 I just want to remind you of the many online resources that CBE recommends for our students to use at school and at home. 

✅ Click here to access our eLibrary Resources for Students tab. These are great resources for students of all grades to check out.

✅ Click here to access the Calgary Public Library digital resources. Your log in info is:

  • Username: Your Google ID (ex. jordank23, RileyW45)
  • Password: 1234567 

💙 So be safe and stay well while learning at home! We miss you and can't wait to see your smiling eyes again soon!

Saturday, 10 April 2021

New Books in the Learning Commons!

Have a look at these new books in the Learning Commons!

Although the Learning Commons is closed for book exchanges, we are still adding new books to our collection! If you see anything you like, fill in the online Book Request form. Ms. Dickson will find the book, check it out to you, and deliver it to your classroom!

Happy reading!