Thursday, 29 October 2020

It's Media Literacy Week in Canada!

For information about Media Literacy Week go to Media Smarts : Canada's Centre for Digital and Media Literacy.

From the Media Smarts website:

About Media Literacy Week

Media Literacy Week (MLW) is an annual event promoting digital and media literacy across Canada. Schools, libraries, museums and community groups organize events and activities throughout the week.

In 2020, we’re encouraging Canadians of all ages to be good digital citizens by checking the info they see online before sharing it. Take part by becoming a Collaboratorplanning digital and media literacy activities for your classroom, and by spreading the word on social media using #MediaLitWk!


Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Women's History Month Resources

It's Women's History Month in Canada! I have displayed books about fabulous women around the world. If you see something you like, you can order it by using the online form here. Find the book in e-Library, fill in the information, and submit your request!

Watch these Heritage Minutes featuring Canadian women of history! I 💙 Heritage Minutes. Don't you?

Happy Women's History Month!

October is Women's History Month in Canada!

 October is Women's History Month in Canada!

I have been busy gathering resources to create a display to celebrate women and all their achievements this month. We have so many books about fabulous women from all over the world! Stay tuned!

In the meantime, the Goverment of Canada has wonderful online resources to help you learn more. Have a look at this Canadian Women in History Time Line

Think about . . .

  • Who have you already heard about?
  • Who is the most interesting?
  • Who inspires you?
  • Who is your favourite?
  • Who are you most like?

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Orange Shirt Day

 Thank you to everyone who wore orange to support Orange Shirt Day.

"On this day of September 30th, we call upon humanity to listen with open ears to the stories of survivors and their families, and to remember those that didn’t make it."  (

Please visit for more information.

And visit the Learning Commons to browse our colleciton of Indigenous resources. Here are some of the books we displayed for Orange Shirt Day.

Every child matters . . . every day.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Books Belonging to Other Schools

Do you have a book that belongs to another school? I can help you with that! 

Please return it to me in the Learning Commons and I will send it to other school. No worries. Easy peasy! 

If I'm not in the Learning Commons when you visit, please put it in the bin and I will find it when I check in all of the books. 

Happy reading!